VIVAnews - Teori ‘Giant Impact’ merupakan hipotesa bagaimana proses terbentuknya bulan. Ilmuwan berteori, Bulan terbentuk akibat bergabungnya serpihan-serpihan pecahan Bumi yang ketika itu masih muda bertabrakan dengan benda langit berukuran sebesar planet Mars.
Salah satu bukti yang mendukung hipotesa ini adalah contoh-contoh bebatuan yang diambil para astronot saat mengunjungi Bulan. Dari bebatuan itu, terindikasi bahwa permukaan Bulan sebelumnya berbentuk cair dan kemungkinan, ia memiliki inti kecil dari besi dengan kepadatan yang lebih rendah dibanding Bumi.
Adapun benda langit yang menghantam Bumi disebut sebagai Theia, diambil dari nama dewi bangsa Yunani, yang merupakan ibu dari Selene, dewi Bulan.
Menurut teori Giant Impact, Theia terbentuk bersama dengan planet-planet lainnay di tata surya sekitar 4,6 miliar tahun yang lalu. Ia mengitari Matahari dalam orbit yang kurang lebih sama dengan Bumi sekitar 60 derajat di depan atau di belakang Bumi.
Stabilitasnya dalam mengitari Bumi kemudian terganggu karena Theia kemudian tumbuh melampaui batas maksimal 10 persen massa planet Bumi. Akibatnya, gaya gravitasi membuat Theia meninggalkan posisi orbitnya dan mendekati Bumi lalu saling bertabrakan.
Menurut para astronom, tabrakan antara Bumi dan Theia terjadi sekitar 4,53 miliar tahun lalu, atau sekitar 30 sampai 50 juta tahun setelah terbentuknya sistem tata surya. Akan tetapi, dari bukti-bukti terakhir, terindikasi bahwa tabrakan itu terjadi lebih lambat, yakni 4,48 (miliar ????) tahun lalu. Berikut ini videonya. (Sumber:
SYDNEY (AFP) – A 22-year-old Australian university student has solved a problem which has puzzled astrophysicists for decades, discovering part of the so-called "missing mass" of the universe during her summer break.
Undergraduate Amelia Fraser-McKelvie made the breakthrough during a holiday internship with a team at Monash University's School of Physics, locating the mystery material within vast structures called "filaments of galaxies".
Monash astrophysicist Dr Kevin Pimbblet explained that scientists had previously detected matter that was present in the early history of the universe but that could not now be located.
"There is missing mass, ordinary mass not dark mass ... It's missing to the present day," Pimbblet told AFP.
"We don't know where it went. Now we do know where it went because that's what Amelia found."
Fraser-McKelvie, an aerospace engineering and science student, was able to confirm after a targeted X-ray search for the mystery mass that it had moved to the "filaments of galaxies", which stretch across enormous expanses of space.
Pimbblet's earlier work had suggested the filaments as a possible location for the "missing" matter, thought to be low in density but high in temperature.
Pimbblet said astrophysicists had known about the "missing" mass for the past two decades, but the technology needed to pinpoint its location had only become available in recent years.
He said the discovery could drive the construction of new telescopes designed to specifically study the mass.
Pimbblet admitted the discovery was primarily academic, but he said previous physics research had led to the development of diverse other technologies.
"Whenever I speak to people who have influence, politicians and so on, they sometimes ask me 'Why should I invest in physics pure research?'. And I sometimes say to them: 'Do you use a mobile phone? Some of that technology came about by black hole research'.
"The pure research has knock-on effects to the whole society which are sometimes difficult to anticipate."